Tuesday, October 28, 2008

mr. lemonhead

An idea for the application of my emoticons in which you can build your own. The sheet of features on the left are stickers. The sheet on the right comes with just a blank head you can then emote as you wish. Stickers again. And circles, or close to them.

signs of the times

Other directives based on the street sign vernacular. I've noticed I've done a lot of projects so far borrowing from different vernaculars: the multiple-choice test sheet, the jazz album cover, and now signs. This is possibly a bad trend.

park here

This is a new assignment to create a series of posters based on a site, to be installed at that site. I chose the mammoth cement  Paul Rudolph parking lot on Temple Street in downtown New Haven. Above are my first attempts based on the vernacular of parking signs.


Latest iteration of this book jacket.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

my emoticons

This is a new assignment to develop a set of icons to organize or categorize something we're interested in. I chose to do new kinds of emoticons.

calendar test

This is the latest version of the calendar, modeled on standardized multiple choice test forms. Comes in a little envelope so you can keep it at your desk.

book jackets

First sketches for a Blue Note Jazz album covers book jacket.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

creating creation

These spreads are for a book which is a continuation of the poster assignment. This time we were allowed to use other people's images, but no type. We had to create four spreads and a cover. Everyone's  books will be collected and wire bound together.