Tuesday, September 30, 2008

poster poster on the wall…

This is an extension of the previous poster assignment. This time we had to incorporate the actual text we were illlustrating into our images. The words were 'explosive,' 'hallucinogenic,' and 'hybrid.'

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

bars and dots

This is a working model of an academic calendar representing my three years in the program. The numbers on the left represent the number of days I've been in school. On the right in the colored bars are the corresponding calendar dates. The one above you would peel back the strip to indicate the psychological length of the day. The one with the dots you would punch out.

making a book

I'm setting Anton Chekhov's short story, "The Student" as a small booklet. The body copy is set in Bodoni Book. Trying to unlearn "Parade" styles is hard. Trying to learn how to duplex is also hard.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

art camp

the entire, or most of, the graphic design department went camping this weekend at east lyme park. we ate cheezburger, canooooed, boozed, and got re-edumacated. i now own a sleeping bag and know how to paddle a canoe. yay. thanks yale.

lake wintergreen

going poster

this week's assignment was to create three posters, using two to five of the 64 images we collected for the previous class. we were each given a page from the NYT and had to choose three words to illustrate. my words were 'observe,' 'explosive,' and 'hybrid.' all posters had to be in black and white, with no type, or manipulation of the images.

almost famous

cover of the NYT magazine today featuring real live Yale students, but not yours truly. there was an open casting call for the shoot, but i missed it. you can spy three graphic design students in the mix; the photo was also shot by a student here.

is anybody reading this (my blog) by the way ? or am i just doing this for my own amusement ?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

my desk

here is my workstation in the GD atrium with some things i'm working on.

Monday, September 15, 2008

typography hw 3

so tired of looking at this thing.

calendar project

sketches for a calendar of my time at yale.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

dog in a box

above: oscar travels to la la land in style. below: oscar trying to get to his hamburger squeaky toy.


interesting phenomenon in the studio where people have been wearing similar outfits. above: vance and neil wearing almost identical outfits. below: my cube neighbor ca and me. i also mimicked vance's 'loser' hand gesture to add another layer of mimicry.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

typography hw 2

Our second type assignment was to create type treatments incorporating Univers 65 (bold weight).

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

first typography hw

This is what I did for my first Typography class assignment with John Gambell. The task was to execute four different type treatments of the quote set in Univers 55, and nothing else.

look, mom! here's what i'm doing at yale.

First in-class assignment for the 'Advanced Graphic Design" class with Hank van Assen. The assignment was to create a 11 x 11 collage using found numbers and placing them on a grid. Yes, I like circles.

back to school

back to school outfit

back to school bacon

lite brite

found a lite brite at a church thrift sale in new haven with templates and all.

Friday, September 5, 2008

home sweet haven

check out my new pad.